Winter is going to be over before you know it, and if you want a great yard this year, you need to get outside in the early spring and tend to your yard. With the right early spring preparation, you can set your yard up to look beautiful for the rest of the year.
Step #1: Rake Up Debris
More than likely, you didn't manage to get rid of all the leaves that fell in the fall. Over the winter, additional debris probably fell in your yard as well. Start your spring yard care off by raking up the leaves that fell after your last rake job in the fall and clean up all the other debris that made its way into your yard over the winter.
Wait for a day when the ground isn't too soft to rake. You don't want to pull out healthy grass when you rake, although you do want to remove the dead grass that hasn't decomposed.
Step #2: Add Fresh Seeds
Second, purchase some seeds. Spread a thin layer of seeds over your entire yard. This will help your yard grow in a little thicker and fuller. In any area of your yard where the grass was thin last year, or the ground is literally bear, add copious amounts of seeds.
Once you put down the seeds, you are going to want to put a slow-release fertilizer with nitrogen over your yard. This slow-release fertilizer will provide your yard with the nutrients that it needs for the new seeds to take root and grow.
Step #3: Do Some Aerating
The best time to aerate your yard is in the early spring. Aerating is the process of breaking up the soil in your yard. The soil in your yard can become very compacted over time, which can make it difficult for the ground to get the soil and nutrients that your grass needs. Aerating helps break up the soil so that water and nutrients can more easily flow in your yard. Aerating in the spring sets your yard up for success for the rest of the year.
Step #4: Treat the Weeds
Finally, you want to treat the weeds before they are a problem. You can apply a pre-emergent herbicide to your yard in the spring. A pre-emergent herbicide will prevent al the weed seeds that were left in your yard last summer don't even have a chance to germinate and fill your yard with weeds.
As spring arrives, get outside and clean up your yard. Add fresh seeds and fertilizer to your yard. Aerate your yard and treat the weeds to set your yard up for success. If you need professional help, contact a local lawn care service team.