Hardscape Elements You May Want When You Install A Fire Pit In Your Yard

A fire pit is a nice addition to your property when you like to entertain outdoors. A fire creates a friendly atmosphere, promotes conversation, and provides warmth. You can buy a portable fire pit and install it on gravel, but when you want the best, consider having the pit custom built so it's permanent, easy to use, and safe. This may require the help of a hardscape contractor. Here are some hardscape elements you may want to include.

Walkways To The Pit

Since a fire pit has to be installed away from your house and trees, it may be near the edge of your property. Having a walkway from your patio to the fire pit is a nice touch, especially when the stone used matches the pit. Instead of concrete, the contractor could make the walkway out of bricks or flagstone embedded in pea gravel. Choose a material that's attractive, and that's also stable for safe walking in the dark. A winding walkway made from natural stone pavers is an attractive addition to your yard that adds visual appeal during the day and is useful for keeping people from walking all over your grass.

Foundation For The Fire Pit

The stones you choose for the foundation and fire break area around the pit determine how your hardscape installation will look and feel. Stones come in different shapes and colors, so you may want something that matches your house or you might prefer something more casual. The foundation area is not only for the sake of appearance, but it also reduces the risk of fire from embers that shoot off the wood as it burns. You may want a rectangular foundation, circular, or free form. Talk to the hardscape contractor about your vision so they can create the design you want using the stones you like.

Seating Around The Pit

Consider installing bench seating around the pit. If the foundation is round, you could have a curved retaining wall build around the pit that has built-in seating. If you often have several guests at once or throw a lot of parties, built-in seating would be the most convenient way for everyone to enjoy your fire pit. This eliminates the need to drag chairs back and forth or to clutter the space with lawn chairs. Plus, seating along the perimeter of the fire pit positions everyone so they can face the fire and have nice views while engaging in conversation.

The Fire Pit

There are many options for the pit itself. The contractor might sink the pit in the ground or build it on a small concrete slab. You might want stones that match the foundation and walkways, or you may prefer larger and more rugged stones for the pit itself. Your contractor can design the type of pit you want and build it so it is fire safe and so it drains rain properly.

If you have a nice patio or outdoor kitchen you use to entertain often, then a fire pit would enhance your enjoyment of the outdoors. With the right hardscape elements, your fire pit is not only useful, but it's also a beautiful addition to your yard.

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