An organic yard care company can help you handle your lawn the right way. Customers need to know these four things so they can prepare for working with professionals on an organic lawn care program.
Soil Conditions
Especially when you're using an organic approach, you have to know what type of soil you and what its condition is. You're not going to be able to just bomb it with chemicals until it submits because that's just not the organic way.
Instead, the contractors will need to take samples from several locations in your yard to assess the condition of the property. They'll largely be looking at pH, moisture, potassium, and nitrogen levels. Fortunately, a professional can usually deduce these things quickly using field tests and experience.
Once you've determined the condition of the soil, you'll likely have to do some amendments. In the lawn care world, amendment covers the necessary changes to achieve your goals. Different plants often have different requirements, especially when it comes to acidity levels. You may have to get the pH under control before you can grow the grass, trees, flowers, bushes, and other plants you want.
Invasive Species
If you see plants on your property that are invasive and undesirable, your organic lawn care program may require playing something of a long game. Fortunately, organic lawn care often ends up being ideal for handling certain invasive species.
Knotweed, for example, can survive everything from fires to aggressive chemical attacks. Oftentimes, trying to assault it with hardcore chemicals just ends up killing the surrounding plants and providing favorable conditions for the knotweed.
However, the organic approach involves starting at the end of winter when there's a level playing field. You can put down lining as a barrier and then plant faster-growing ground cover plants that will strangle the competition.
Most projects don't need to go that far, though. Frequently, you can dig up undesirable plants like weeds and dandelions, and then fill in the holes with turf.
Seeding and Maintenance
Ideally, your organic lawn care program should yield results by this point. You now have soil that's right for your plants, and the invasive species should be curbed if not stopped. You'll want to aerate the lawn and then seed a desirable and suitable grass species for your lawn's conditions. From this point forward, the job is primarily about mowing and monitoring the lawn's performance.