The Right Arborist Supplies To Get Work Done Quicker And Better

If you're just starting out as an arborist, you're no doubt trying to figure out the best equipment to buy. All the different choices of arborist tools can easily be overwhelming. You can start with just a few items and build your arsenal over time. Here are some tips for getting started.

Come-Alongs, Winches, and Tie-downs  

Tools and gear for arborists come in many varieties. Arborists use come-alongs, winches, and tie-downs, along with ropes and carabiners, to move, secure, carry, lift, and install wood and other materials. Different uses call for different tools for the job, including:

  • Come-along—Come-alongs are handheld, portable traction devices. Arborists use them to move the trees they're pruning or cutting and as a safety precaution when climbing. Come-alongs vary in weight, size, and capabilities, from lightweight, handheld models to more powerful, larger, wheeled models intended for heavy-duty use. Arborists also can use come-alongs to pull trailers, haul wood, or move equipment.
  • Winches—Arborists use winches to move trees or materials. They're ideal for lifting or pulling heavy objects. Arborists use winches to move logs, trees, or materials.
  • Tie-downs, ropes, and carabiners—Arborists use ropes and carabiners to move trees, secure materials, or attach materials to trees. Ropes, carabiners, and tie-downs can also be used to secure straps on tree-climbing systems. Arborists use tie-downs to secure ropes to trees or other objects.

The tools to move heavy materials around are a crucial component of your arborist equipment.

A Good Harness and Safety Equipment

If you plan on doing any tree climbing, you should have a harness. Otherwise, you could wind up with a cracked rib or worse. A harness is a belt worn around your waist and, most importantly, around your torso. An arborist or tree climbing harness is lightweight and comfortable enough to wear all day.

A helmet is a must as well. A chainsaw is sharp and can cut you easily. A helmet with a face shield is the best protection. A helmet will also keep flying wood chips out of your eyes and away from your chainsaw's air filter.

Protective clothing is also a good idea, although it's less important than good harnesses and helmets. You don't want to wear loose-fitting clothing or clothing with loose strings that can get caught in your chainsaw. If you're using a chainsaw, you should wear earplugs as well.

High-Quality Cutting and Trimming Tools

The use of high-quality cutting and trimming tools is important too. Arborists use specialized equipment for performing tasks like pruning and trimming. These tools can help minimize property damage and reduce hazards to workers.

High-quality cutting and trimming tools help arborists do their jobs better. Cutting and trimming tools should also be high-quality because low-quality tools can dull quickly, reducing their effectiveness.

Good tools won't corrode as easily. Your tools and tools-related materials will get a lot of use. Rust and corrosion can cause tools to break or fail, putting workers in danger. Rust-resistant tools also reduce maintenance costs.

Start your arborist career with the tools that will allow you to work safely and quickly. For more information, contact a local company, like Whispering Pines Landscape.

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