Landscape Maintenance Tips For Droughts

A drought can really make your landscape look drab. Grass and other plants will suffer when there is a lack of water. The biggest thing you can do during a drought is make sure you water your plants more often. However, there are also some other landscape maintenance steps you can take to help your plants survive and thrive despite the circumstances. Here are a few of those steps.

Water in the early morning or late evening.

When you water is important. When there is a drought, your plants will be desperate for every drop. If you water during the heat of the day, then a lot of the water will evaporate before it really soaks in and reaches the plants' roots. A better approach, then, is to water either before the sun comes up or after the sun comes down. You may have to set an alarm to remind yourself, but your plants will get more from these watering sessions, and you'll also waste less water.

Put down some wood mulch.

Wood mulch is really helpful for sealing moisture into the soil. It helps prevent too much water from evaporating. It also ensures that as water seeps down, it takes some nutrients from the mulch with it. During challenging drought periods, your plants could really use those nutrients more than ever. Any wood mulch will grant these benefits. If you don't want to spend money on the expensive, dyed kind, the plain wood chips or bark will do the trick.

Be vigilant about weeding.

Many weeds are more resilient than grass and the other plants that you're trying to grow. So, during times of drought, they will take over if you let them. Of course, they'll then be stealing the already-scarce water from the plants you really love. So, stay on top of weeding during a drought. Make it your mission to pull any weeds you see as soon as you spot them. If you are open to using weed killer, this is a good time to use it. Or, you can go with a more natural option and pour hot vinegar on any weeds you see.

Droughts can be hard on a landscape, but with the right maintenance, your plants will make it through. Follow the tips above, and talk to a landscape company if you need more advice. They may have specific recommendations for mulch and fertilizer at this time.

Contact a company like J. L. P. Services for more info. 

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Which Plants Suit Your Climate Best? When you move into a new home, relandscaping the garden is one way to have it reflect your personality. However, before buying any new plants, you need to know which ones suit your location climate the best. When it is time to learn about landscaping and plants, but you don't know where to start, then you come to this website and start reading. Climate has a big impact on how well your new plants grow, so it is important to learn about soil testing, plant choice, and growth optimization, amongst other things. The more you learn about plant choice and then their care, the better the odds of successful growing days.

